Gina - because she always leaves me such warm and generous comments
Tracy - because she is so sweet and takes the time to visit me regularly
Diane - because when I first started my blog she was so kind to me and helped me find my feet (so to speak)
Michelle - because even though she is uber-talented she still takes the time to visit my little blog
Shelly - because she always brightens my day with her comments
I would of course love to give this award back to Clare as she is such a kind and thoughtful friend and a nicer person you couldn't wish to "meet". She always leaves me such encouraging and thoughtful comments and of course she's welsh too haha! I would love to be able to give this award to all my followers and regular visitors but alas only 5 allowed but if you would like to take it for your blog, feel free. Thanks for stopping by.
AWWW..hun your more then welsome to this award hun im glad you liked it...i love visiting your blog to see all your gorgeous creations..and of course cause your welsh...lol
we will defo meet up some day..and i cant wait hugs clarex
Thanks so much for thinking of me Denise! I'm honored to receive this award, thanks for the lovely comment, glad I can be cheerful! Enjoy your cinema trip xx
thanks for the award Denise its made my day you thought of me.
Tracy x
Aww, thank you so much Denise, I am honored to receive this award from a telent like yourself and I really appreciate it. With that comment you have made me blush! I love coming to your blog so thank you xxx
Thank you so much Denise, you have cheered me up no end, on a very glum day, right back at you too, you know I love to visit and love all of your cards and of course you :)
Gina xxx
Thankyou soooo much Denise xx
As you can see I'm a bit behind with blogging,so will post asap & it really means a lot,thanx again :o)x
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