
Monday 20 December 2010

Stamp with Fun #90 – DT card

Good morning friends, I’m here to share my card for this week’s Stamp with Fun challenge.  This week we have a lovely sketch by Tina46 to use and shock horror I made another Christmas card lol!  I cannot believe it will be the ‘big day’ in 5 days, I am not at all prepared.  I still have presents to buy and wrap and cards to write and deliver.  So no pressure then haha!  Here is the sketch:

SWF #90 sketch

and here is my card:

SWF #90 - sketch

SWF #90 - sketch (close up)

I have used a super cute image from DigiStamp Boutique called ‘Chloe and xmas tree’ and it is currently reduced in price to just £1.00.  Even if you’ve finished all your cards for this year why not pick up a bargain in readiness for next year’s cards.  I’m definitely making myself start earlier next year and may even start straight away whilst I’ve got all my supplies to hand (I know I probably said this last year too lol!).  I thought this cute image fitted in with the pastel colour scheme really well. 

The rest of the design team have created gorgeous samples once again this week so please pop over and take a look.  We really appreciate all the lovely comments you leave for us. 

I am a little pressed for time at the moment so I will add the ingredient list and any challenges I can enter my card into later. 

I hope you have a wonderful Monday and stay wrapped up warm.  I will be back later with my DT card for cupcake craft challenge.  Thanks for stopping by.

My signature

1 comment:

  1. Oh this is adorable Denise and so beautiful too.


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