
Sunday 19 December 2010

Marcea’s Music Saves my Soul

Hello everyone, I’m really sorry for the long absence since my last post!  I’m back to share with you another favourite track for Marcea’s ‘Music Saves My Soul’.  This week I have gone for another oldie and have chosen a song by the mega band Heart (and to be honest I could have chosen so many as I really love their music).  However the song I have gone for this week is “what about love” and I have to say her voice is stunning and I really love their “big hair” lol!  I hope you will have time to share one of your favourite songs.

I also wanted to remind you that the Passion for Promarkers challenge is running until 4th January and the theme is “anything goes”.  We’ve had a massive response already, but you can enter as many times as you like until the challenge ends.  We will be posting new samples from team 2 on Tuesday so pop back and take a look – there will also be a card from me!

Also the theme over at charisma cardz challenge is ‘new year’ and ends on Thursday so still plenty of time to enter that challenge too.  I had a DT holiday last week (which means a week off) but I will be back again this week with a new card on Thursday.  

I’ll be back tomorrow with my DT cards for the cupcake craft challenge and also the stamp with fun challenge so hopefully you will come by and take a peek. 

I am so behind with everything at the moment.  I have eventually trimmed up (thanks to my eldest son for all his help with that) but I still haven’t written my cards or bought all my pressies and with the amount of snow we’ve had since Friday that is going to be prove more difficult now.  Oh well some people will have to make do with money this year I think!!  Here are two pictures taken on Friday after the first lot of snow we had:

Dec 17th 2010 (1)

Dec 17th 2010 (2)

I hope you enjoy the remainder of the weekend and if you have to go and about please take care.  Thanks for stopping by.

My signature


  1. Brilliant Denise ...

  2. Hi sweetie, ahhhh I love Heart - fabulous choice!!!!! Hope you manage to get your christmas stuff done - I am off to brave the shops today - only need a couple oif things thank goodness.
    Have a great Christmas hun xxxxxxxx


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