
Friday 22 January 2010

It’s candy time!


Hello everyone, I hope you’ve managed to stay warm today (it’s been absolutely freezing here I can tell you).

I recently passed 30,000 hits on my blog and so I thought I’d celebrate by offering some candy. Here is what you can win:


That’s right I have one brand new set of The Greeting Farm’s new stamp set called ‘Miss Anya Love’. You know how much I love TGF and when I ordered myself a set (from Dies to Die For) I decided to get one for my candy too. I will also be adding more items to the candy for every 50 comments I receive :)

To be in with a chance of winning this beautiful stamp set all I want you to do is leave me a comment and tell me what you really love (it doesn’t have to be a craft thing). I will leave this post at the top until 22nd January 2010 so there’s plenty of time to enter. You don’t have to become a follower but I would really appreciate it if you would spread the word by adding a link on your blog (sidebar is fine). Thanks for stopping by and good luck!


  1. Waw this is one awesome candy, so love the Greeting Farm Stamps!
    I really love to creative, I have been creating since I was little, always doing something different from others! :)
    And now I love to craft with my baby boy! Hugs,Moni

  2. Hi Denise! Happy New Year & Best Wishes in 2010! I'm such a big fan of TGF, love their stamps. What I really love to do beside crafting now I love doing digital images such as invitation and photo editing also now I learn how to make slideshow. I just made my first slideshow for a birthday party last month and they love it. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely stamp.

  3. Denise, what Love-ly candy!
    I really love my family, I'd be lost without them. I could just about manage without crafting, but not without them.
    Sam xx

  4. Hi Denise

    Congrats on your 30 000 hits.
    Your blog candy is fabulous.
    What I love most is coloring; with pencils, copics, watercolor. I stamp my images and color them. I have a lot of colored images to make card but cards aren't made.
    Thanks for giving us a chance to win this beautiful stamp set.
    Have a nice weekend.

    Posted on my sidebar! Such great candy! Thanks for a chance to win!

    I love being happy. No better feeling in the world than being happy. Just wish it would last all the time!

  6. Great candy. I love Anya stamps. I will put you in my side bar now. Thanks for the chance to win
    Love Sarah XXX

  7. Congratulations on reaching that 'hits' milestone! Never wonded an TGF Anya stamp and have to say that this one has tempted me! I think I especially like the girl with the super trendy ankle boots - such a cute image. Thanks for the chance to win, will post your candy on my blog. Jo x

  8. Congrats! What I really love it time to craft! I just had my second child, I'm in the process of painting my house, and I can't seem to find any me time.

    I'm linked! Thanks for the chance to win!!

  9. Well done on all your hits Denise, and thanks for offering such fab candy - I don't have any TGF stamps yet so I hope I'm lucky!

    What do I love... hmmm, well, at the moment I'm loving my pale blue hiking boots because they are keeping me warm, dry, and upright in all this snow and ice!

    Have popped you into the Candy Box on my sidebar.

    Nicki, xx

  10. What great candy, thanks for offering it! I love my family and that I've had the opportunity to do this crafting thing I love. And I love all the generous bloggers who offer such wonderful candy incentives to people they don't even know! What a blessing!

  11. OMG FABBY Candy!! I'm linking you on my sidebar :D

    Now what o I really love there's too much to mention but my first obsession came to me when I was 12 & it's still as strong today as it was then, actually I think I'm more obsessed now, ooh are you all wondering what it is??? Well I Really, really, really LOVE Mr Robbie Williams :D We have a love that will never die - pitty he doesn't know about it lol xxx

  12. Well I am already subscribed to your blog and I just can't get enough of your adorable creations! Thanks for the opportunity to win such an amazing set!

    Now what do I love? Well, a lot actually! Haha! Besides my wonderful family, I am currently in love with my new home! :) We just bought our very first house a couple of months ago and I have really enjoyed putting it together, painting it, and decorating!

  13. Hi Denise, I'm going for lucky thirteen here lol! Gorgeous candy and congratulations on passing the 30,000 counter on your blog...I'm not at all surprised your blog is so popular, you make the most amazing cards and I always enjoy visiting you :) thanks for the chance to win your scrummy candy :) Donna x

    PS: Oops...nearly forgot...I LOVE CADBURY'S DAIRY MILK :))

  14. Lovely blog candy. Wow 30,000 hits, congratulations. I would love to say that I love crafting (well I do but am still learning and still have trouble chosing the papers and matching them), so the thing I really love is my dog Archie. There is nothing nicer than coming home to such a welcome. He is my love (but don't tell hubby lol)

  15. Congratulations on the success of your blog. I have followed you for a while now and think it's great.

    I really love weeknds when I get to craft.

    I am also posting a link to your fab candy to help get your hits up even higher.


  16. Ohh wow!! These are gorgeous! Thank you so much for the chance to win Denise :) I really love my family and my BF, they're the most important people in my life :) ohh and I also love my dogs Ruby, Honey and Tommy lol
    I'm a follower and I posted this candy on my sidebar.

  17. Wow what a yummy set of stamps! My other passion after crafting is food!! Like many I am sure, but mine goes further than most with trips to food fairs across the country, watching ALL foodie programs possible and now my own little foodie blog!!Yum yum!!

    Already a follower but going to add this in my sidebar

    Hugs Louise xx

  18. Such lovely Candy! I have never used any Anya stamps, there are so many, I don't know where to start!
    I love my Promarkers! I would not be able to colour without them!
    I will link your candy on my sidebar, thanks for the chance to win!

  19. Such lovely candy I love reading it is my passion along with card making, the reason I love it as it lets me escape from reality and fall into the tale xxx

  20. Hi Denise,
    congrats on 30.000 hits and thank you for the chance to win such fantastic candy!
    What I really love at the moment is crafting, crafting, crafting... and chocolate :-)


  21. Ooohh, some new Miss Anyas - I'd missed the launch of those! Thank you for the chance to win.
    I really love spending time with my family (well, when my daughter is not having a tantrum over something she's not allowed LOL - suffered several today!!!)
    Love, Andrea xx

  22. I would love to get some "color in" images and these are so cute! I do not have any TGF stamps and would love to try them! I've added your candy to my sidebar.

  23. Fab candy Denise. I would love to be in with a chance of winning these new Anya's {they are on my wish list}. As for what I love there are many things, apart from crafting, a few of them being my soon to be husband, chocolate and reading!
    Have a great weekend!
    Hugs, Vicky ~x~

  24. Congrats on the 30,000 hits! Woo Hoo! What I love most... incredibly my children! Who, most of the time drive me crazy with nearly 4yo independance and twin 18month old boys who non-stop destroy anything and everything! I especially love when they're all safe and snug in bed... and I get to craft!!
    Thanks for the chance to win (will add link on my sidebar) x

  25. Hi Denise,

    Thanks for the chance to win such gorgeous candy. I have put a link to you in my side bar!

    Big Love is crafting (of course) and all the lovely things that comes with that..rubber..pens..paper the list is endless! Hugs Juls

  26. Hola Denis!!!Felicitacioes!!!lo que mas me gusta es estar con los seres queridos!!!!Gracias por la chance de participar!!!

  27. Hi Denise. Thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy. I have added the picture and a link in the candy section of my blog's sidebar. Congratulations on 30,000hits!!! I love my family and spending time with them. As far a my crafty love it would have to be photography and stamps both rubber and digital.


  28. Great candy Denise and thanks for the chance to win it. I'm off to put a link in my sidebar.
    Most important is my family and then my crafting but what would be really great is time!

    Kat x

  29. wow awesome candy i love Anya stamps they are wonderful to colour, i love my Husband Millions couldn't be without him

  30. I LOVE these stamps. Since I discovered copic markers I'm addicted to stamping and digital images and coloring them. Besides scrapbooking I love crochet, reading, exercising, and of course my family.

  31. oooh, nice candy! I love my family and my cuttlebug - in that order ;)

  32. Hi Denise!

    Congrats on the hits and happy new year also. I've linked your candy up on my sidebar.
    I love the change of seasons. It's a very hot summer day here today, I think its going to reach high 30's... and you say I hope your all keeping warm... well we definatley are!

    Thanks for the chance to win xx

  33. Hi Denise, Ohhhhh lovely candy!!
    congrats the 30,000 visits to your blog! WOW!! thanks for the chance to win your fat free candy :0)!!

    and I loveeeeeee BLOGGING!! t ehhee! oh and Calorie free candy! and I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE my other half!!!!
    and and and!! t ehheee!! following and sidebar sorted! Samamntha :0)

  34. Of course what I really love is my family and of course my baby girl. She is the light of my life!!

    Tonight though what I am going to really love is the moment I get to climb under the covers and go to sleep. I am exhausted!

  35. Hi Denise,

    What an adorable Anya set to win
    What I love to do is draw just started creating digi's too so much fun. but I love all creative stuff too.
    thanks for the chance at these
    I've added a link in my sidebar
    hugs Nikki

  36. I love Anya! Don't have this set yet'd that happen! Lol!

    Congrats on all the hits! Your creations are terrific.

    I love having a roof over my head, a full belly-well, once I eat dinner here soon-and a family and friends that love me. Oh! and my new TGF Sprout stamps! ;)

    Thanks for the chance to win!
    <3 Jenn

  37. This is an awesome candy! I love those stamps!

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Wow! That's Amazing Denise.. how generous you are. Here's hoping :D
    I've posted in my sidebar... and I already love following your blog!
    mm..I really love my husband ... he is a rock and such a loving, wonderful man! And craftwise... I Love stamps.. and particularly at the moment - The Greeting Farm stamps!

  40. Hi Denise,

    an absolutely awesome candy! Thanks so much for having the chance to win.

    I linked you on my sidebar.

    What I really love is to be creatiove. When I'm cardmaking or so I can chill out and I can forget for a moment all the bad things that happened.

    Greetings and have a nice weekend,


  41. Hi Denise - gorgeous candy, thanks for offering :)

    What do I love................well other than crafting and my family -and sometimes it is in that order too ;) I also love baking - I love to create weird & wonderful things in the kitchen as well as in my craftroom!

    Have added a pic and link of your candy in my Candy Jar on My Blog

    Thanks for the chance to win,

    Carol x

  42. Tu blog es precioso, te felicito. Bs

  43. Hi Denise,
    Thank you so much for a chance to win this very yummy candy. I love your blog and have signed up as a follower right away :D It is easy to see why you have had so many hits.
    I am off now to add your candy to my side bar.

    Amy xx

  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. What gorgeous candy Denise!!! I love lots of things, my family most of all and creating cards and gifts for others oh and chocolate, how could I forget chocolate!!!

  46. thanks for the chance to win. I LOVE flapper Anya - she makes me smile just to look at her and that makes me happy.

  47. Congrats!Beautiful stamps. Love many things but the first is the family;-))m

  48. Hi Denis...congrats on so many hits....thanks for giving tha chance to win that new GFT release...keep my fingers crossed....I link you on my sidebar.....I think I love most just sitting in my crafting room, making cards and blogging!
    Have a nice weekend,
    xxx Margreet

  49. Thanks for this chance to win this gorgeous stamp. I love these girls. I've been a follower for some time and added you to my sidebar. AS well as stamping, which is my fave cardmaking technique I love to read a good thriller and watch movies. Marianne x

  50. Wow Denise ! How generous of you ! You are an angel ! About what I love... well apart from crafting I love reading, cats and chocolates !!! Hugs and smile from Catherine

  51. Happy New Year & congrats on your 30,000 hits!

    Thanks a lot for such a lovely candy for early the year! What I really love is handmade...crafting, baking...etc! I adore creative people and I do hope I can be a creative person one day.

    shinz xx

  52. Hi Denise Congrats on all of your hits and this is gorgeous candy! The things I love... MMmm too many to mention! but my family is the obvious one and a crafty thing has to be my copics.

    Liza x

  53. Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely candy, I've put a link to it on my sidebar.


    Jan xx

  54. Hi denise,
    I've popped a link on my blog. Oooo what do I love, well first is my family but choosing crafty items it would have to be stamps. Thanks for a chance to win.
    Happy crafting
    Tracy x

  55. Hi Denise!
    I saw this on a sidebar of someone I'm following and I just LOVE these stamps but money being sort right now, I cannot have them but i'd love to have the chance of winning!
    I'll add this to my sidebar too.
    The thing I Love at the moment is my cuttlebug. It's the newest thing I bought that I got this week and I love it soooo much!!!

  56. Fabulous Candy denise . . . Speaking of which you should check out my last post ;o)

  57. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  58. Hi Denise,

    I don't have any Anya stamps so I would love to win this candy! What (or who) I really love are my 2 beautiful Maine Coons, Tsunami & Legend - you can see them on my blog by doing a search or by pulling up Cat Chat from the topics menu!

    I added your candy to my sidebar - have a creative weekend!

    Ramona :-)

  59. Hi Denise, congratulations on reaching so many hits !! Thanks for the chance to win these gorgeous stamps they are beautiful. Im off to spread the word ;).
    Love n hugs
    Vikki xx

  60. Congratulations! :D

    Thanks for the chance to win these lovely Anya-stamps! :)

    What I love the most, besides my family of course, is being together with my friends, making cards. It's so great being together with others who also shares the same hobby! :D

    Have a wonderful day!

  61. Wow, what a candy!!!! Just have to join in!! I love to scrap, it gives me a chance to escape all my pain I have every day. When I scrap, my mind wanders, and I can "forget" the pain for a while. Therefore scrappingtime very important to me, and needed to manage daily life.

    Posted a link in my right side bar about your candy, am already a follower!

  62. Hi Hun xx
    Yer..i totally agree with you..its freezing here..and we are in for more snow tomo into monday..and ive even just seen on the news into tuesday as well...if its right its going to be bad here for us..esp on top of the frozen snow we;ve still got laying around..and our local councils running out of

    anyway thanks for you lovely comment and the chance to win this gorgeous candy..congrats on all your hits..its not surprised as your creations are all gorgeous.

    ive spread the word on my sidebar...and my fav craft item at the moment has got to be my new Cuttlebug and of course my

    Thanks Hugs Clare xx

  63. Hi Denise,
    Happy New Year, gorgeous candy, thankyou for the oppertunity to win a set of these gorgeous ladies.
    I love love love the sunshine, which comes with warm weather, long light days - and beer gardens with good company!
    Im spreading the word.
    Sally. x

  64. Great candy! I've put a link in my sidebar . I love to go birdwatching when I have time for it. I love to try to determinate them and watch them 'cause their behavior is so fascinating. Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

  65. Oh Wow! Cool candy. I spread the word on the sidebar of my blog.
    I love spending time with my family and playing with my daughter, she seems like she is having the time of her life every time I take the time to play with her.Thank you so much for the chance.
    Hugs, Rosalee

  66. oh wow Densie, I;m droooooling over your candy lol.
    Thanks so much for the chance to win and of course I'll post a link on my candy bar for you
    Anne x

  67. Hello Denise! Thank you so much for the chance to win this beautiful Anya set! That's so generous of you! :)
    Hmmmm... Well, what do I love? So many things!!! I especially do love crafting and I can lose myself for hours at a time in it and it puts me in "another world". LOL. BUT, what I love the most ... is hearing my little 3 year old laugh and scream with delight. I know it sounds corny, but it truly does add so much to my life to see him so happy ... so young and pure. :) Not a care in the world except playing and getting in his cuddles. LOL!
    Thanks again Denise!

  68. Hi Denise, Fabulous candy on your blog. Congrats on all those hits. I love the fact that I have just retired and I now will have time to do all the things that I want to. Have a great weekend.

  69. what a wonderful candy. Thanks for the chance to win.

    Hugs Heike

  70. Hello Denise,

    thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment on my card. It's really nice to know what you think of it.
    You're cards are really great so I'd love to become your folower ;-)
    And then I saw this candy, what generous of you to give us a chance to win these lovely stamps.
    So my topfavourite persons are my 3-year-old daughter and my hubbie, and my most favourite thing to do is crafting with my daughter. She loves to stamp and colour and I'm happy when she sits next to me enjoying to make something herself ;-)


    Lins x

  71. Hi Denise,

    Love these new stamps, thanks for the chance of winning them. I've popped them in my side bar.

    Gemma x

  72. What a great candy .Thanks for this chance.I've link this candy in my sidebar.
    My favortie crafting is every monday evening crafting with 2 friends we make little project,cards,books.....

    Have nice sunday,hugs from a white and cold Holland,Agnesx

  73. Hello Denise! Congratulations on all your hits! You really are a popular lady! I love the feeling when I'm crafting, just in my own little world, relaxing. Thanks for the chance to win your fab candy!
    Hugs Shelly ;)

  74. oh these are gorgeous - and I don't have them
    congratulations on all those hits Denise

  75. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  76. Waw this is one awesome candy, so love the Greeting Farm Stamps! I love crafting and chocolate !!

  77. Oh Denise I love these girls they are so fab and I can see they will be very popular.
    I love it when you wake up and have forgotten it's Saturday or Sunday morning and you don't have to go to work!!! Bliss
    Sue :o)

  78. Wow pet thanks for a wee chance to win your lovely candy! Have linked you on my Blog!
    Melly xxx

  79. Love greeting farm :)
    love tacos
    love All Dressed chips
    love my boys :) the absolute most
    thanks for the chance

  80. Congratulations on soo many hits Denise & thanks for the chance to win these fab stamps :)

    What I love... it's too cheesy to say my family lol so: getting in my craft room with the radio on & colouring in, cutting out, gluing etc

    I've linked you to my candy sidebar


  81. First~Great Candy.
    I am so thankful for my hubby he has been surprising me with a few goodies (scrapbooking stuff) during these tough economic times. Not to forget my four awesome boys...It is going to be a good good year.
    Blessings, Tammy

  82. Gorgeous candy...and congrats on all the hits.

  83. I just came across your site and saw your amazing Candy! I just love the new Yana stamps!! I will link your Candy in my sidebar..

    Hm..what I like? A lot! ;) Reading, my cat, chocolate, friends...=)

  84. Hi Denise :) I saw your post on another blog and had to come right over!!! One of my new loves is Miss Anya. I won some images in a candy, but I don't own any stamps yet...

    My first love, however, is the LORD. Without Him, I am nothing and can do nothing! He has saved me from SO much (including cancer!).

    Thank you for giving us this opportunity to win these lovely stamps!!! You can see your pic/link Here
    Love and big hugs ~ Lori

  85. Hola! Felicitaciones! Para mi el amor es la familia, Muchas gracias!

  86. Hi there, I have become a follower, and put a link to you on my blog.

    I love........ sending a batch of newly made cards for free to the charities I support.

    Leigh x

  87. Hi Denise,Happy New Year to you and your family hope its a great one for you all.
    I am lovin my rangers distress inks at the moment i love the way you can get lots of shading with just one colour,i have bought Promarkers but cannot seem to get on with them as well at all:)
    Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy your a star.
    I've linked it in my sidebar to spread the word.
    Big hugzz Val xxx

  88. Hi Denise what super candy!!
    have to say I have never felt love the way I do for my Grandchildren
    they are truly precious and such special little people LOL!!
    have linked on my sidebar and I am also a follower

  89. I love my family more than anything in this world.

  90. Hiya there Denise, spotted your fabby candy on a fellow bloggers sidebar - so I am passing the word on likewise., things I love, apart from crafting, red wine & a lovely bubblebath, I would have to be the world of useless information - I am a sucker for it!. lol


  91. I love my Cuttlebug, all things crafty, coffee, chocolate and Burt's bees lip balm! Thanks for the chance to win!

  92. Wow, great candy! Congratulations on your hits!
    I love spending time with my partner and our dogs.

    Hugs, Magda

  93. Such beautiful candy and thank you for this chance to enter, I love spending time with my hubby ohhh and the crafting I just have to have my fix.
    I have linked you up.
    Hugs Linda

  94. Denise ~ Congrats on all those visits! The thing I love the most is my family! Thanks so much for the chance to win this gorgeous Miss Anya set :)

  95. Hi just stopped by to say thanks for stopping by, and noticed your candy, I do love life but other than that Tilda, although I do love anya as well, the new ones are gorgeous, off now to link on my side bar and have became a follower, your blog and creations are gorgeous.
    Christine x

  96. Fantastic candy - these stamps are just gorgeous!!

    For a chance to win those beauties, I'll tell you that I really love watching my 2-year-old daughter pick paper flowers out of my "Prima-box". She picks one at the time and places them neatly in a row. It's adorable and I can TELL she's a future scrapper!! :D

    Take care! ♥
    /Jeanette aka Tettiz

  97. Awesome...30,000 blog hits!! That is excellent, Denise...kudos to you. Thank you for the opportunity of being able to enter your draw. Two things I really love (besides my loved ones of course) are the beautifully created art pieces shared by our sister bloggers; and, the blog backgrounds that seem to be getting lovelier by the year. Here's to your next 30,000!! p.s. I have joined your followers list. Hugs, Gayle.

  98. waw that is realy great candy ,those stamps are beatiful =), thanks a lot for the canche to win this gergous candy =), and what i love the most is paiting,icant spend a week without paiting, =), i 've linked your candy in my sidebar , looking foward to the draw =),
    big hugssssss

  99. Happy New Year!
    I love my family and friends who are so supportive of me. I love my Hubby because he is just awesome! I love crafting and spending time with my kids! :)

  100. Wow, the Blogcandy is wonderful. Thanks for the chance to win, i've linked you on my sidebar and i'm a follower....

    I love my Kiddys and my new Slice :-)))


  101. Great candy.
    thankf for the chance to win.

    I love my family, and I love to create cards and other paper-craft projects.

    hugs, Benedicte

  102. Thank you for this fab candy, I love going to the gym and reading, & obviously my baby who will soon be 35. I will go add your candy to my blog.
    Ann x

  103. That is a fun looking stamp set. Would love to win it for my collection. What I would love the most is time. Time to sit, time to create, and time to myself with the phone ringing and the door bell going when I'm trying to be creative.

  104. Wow!! Congrats on so many hits on your blog!!
    Lovely candy - I LUV ANYA!

    There are lots of things that I like to have but could live without....I absolutely couldn't live without my family and my faith!!

  105. I really love my three boys - Leo, Brandon and baby Elliot although they drive me crazy!!!!

  106. Great candy! I love the gorgeous Anya stamps! And I really love to create but i need days of 48 hours!! Wished i could change my work in crafting. Thanks for the chance to win those lovely stamps.

  107. Hey Denise!! I will be posting this on the sidebar of my blog and I wanted to let you know the thing that I love....well I don't think I could live a day without my coffee!! :) Thanks for the chance to win! HUGS

  108. congrats for your 30000 hits!

    it's so nice of you to give us the chance to win some candy! those stamps are fabulous!
    What do I love?? Crafting of course, I discovered cardmaking last year, and love that so much!
    I also love my family of course AND most of all, my dear husband!

  109. I've linked you in my sidebar - thanks for the opportunity to win. I don't own any Anyas.
    What do I love?
    1) creating - writing, painting, making cards, embroidery, making sigtags on the computer, quilting...just knowing that God gave me the ability to create makes me happy
    2) my 3 boys - they are all so unique and smart and funny - I'm a blessed Mom!


  110. Hi Denise, what fab candy. I can say without a doubt that I love to hear my 2 boys laugh. It's infectious. Good luck everyone. I'll make sure your blog is noted on mine :-)

  111. Hi Denise

    What fantastic candy, will put a link on my sidebar hun.
    I love my family to bits and apart from them and of course my cat it would have to be my stamps. Paerticularly my Magnolia ones.

    Hugs Ali x

  112. Well done you on all those hits. This is fab candy the new Greetings Farm stamps look great. Thank you for letting us have the chance to win. Joe xx

  113. Hi Denise wow what fantastic candy! I can't believe you are giving these away! I really love being in the warm at this time of year especially with all the snow we have had!
    Thanks for the chance to win, I will put a link on my side bar for you.
    Hugs Lynsey x

  114. Hi Denise,

    dein Candy ist sehr sehr schön, und du hast einen tollen Blog. Die sind so schön. Perfekt. Viel glück uns alle Melanie /

  115. Oh I have yet to own any of the Miss Anyas not that I don't appreciate them! I love Paper and my family ! I have linked this candy to my sidebar! Beth aka BR-T

  116. I love my family! And I love your blog candy hee hee ;) I also love chocolate and of course paper, copics, flowers and stamps!

  117. Fabulous blog candy Have become a follower and have a link to your candy. Thanks for the chance to win!

  118. tanks for this chance to win. I put a link on my blog:

    What I ask to universe (hehehe) is to live from my crafty passion. I'd like to do it 16 hours per day! LOL

  119. Congrats on the hits !Happy New year!Thank you for the great candy you are giving away .I love you blog come by alot .Hugs Sarah

  120. Hallo,
    danke für das schöne Candy.
    also ich liebe Karten zu basteln und Handarbeiten, wie das klöppeln(bobbin) sowie meinen schwarzen kater.
    lg gila

  121. adoreable set thanks for the chance to win I added your candy to my side bar. What I love the most is my kids

  122. Hi Denise,
    What great candy :O)
    Sure i'll tell you what i love...
    I Love making sure things are tidy, in order, and close to hand around my work space, a hot cup of earlgray tea beside me too. Then i'm ready to start creating things :O)
    I really love the fresh smell of sundried laundry too!! hehe.
    i have added you to my blog, and now i will cross my fingers that it is my turn to win!

  123. Hi Denise, thanks for the chance to win. I love to be creative for others to enjoy, I am quite new to card making so my skills are quite limited at the moment but I love stamping. Thanks again Huga Jo x

  124. Congatulations!!!
    a beautiful candy.
    I really love shabby and vintage...but also cute stamps.
    Hugs, Sanny

  125. Wow congrats on your 30,000 hits and such gorgeous candy.
    Many thanks for the chance to win, I will pop a pic on my sidebar.
    I love a malibu & coke now & then!!Lol...
    Hugs Emma x

  126. There are so many things I love...non-craftwise(a made-up word,hee,hee)-my husband, my son, my family. Craftwise-I love the joy and fulfillment that comes from creating something I know will be cherished later.

  127. Thanks so much for the chance to win your yummy candy!! I have posted to my sidebar and I am already a follower!!
    What I really love to do is spend time with my family .. and my precious Grandson .. when they are not around I spend time with my 4 little furbabies...and make cards and follow blogs.

  128. Just came upon your blog tonight...and I'd LOVE to follow and check your stuff out more! Great candy....what do I love the most....well life is good...but boy oh boy your "boy candy" not so bad ;) lol cheers!

  129. Lovely candy to give away, i really love my hubby (i know that sounds corny) i'd be lost without him i've added a link on my sidebar Take care Sal xx

  130. What do I really love, I love spending time with those I love, good company good food and when they aren't around I really love making things for those I love with all my wonderful crafty things. Thanks Julye

  131. Hi!
    I love to do works with my hands. I do alot of diffrent things, like cards, LO:s, pearl things like bracelett and more.
    =) Hugs Eva

  132. Hi Denise, Congrats on your 30 000 hits.
    Your blog candy is fabulous. I love my family, I'd be lost without them.I will put you in my side bar
    xx Zuila

  133. What a candy love them. I love my family and all the people I have met threw stamping. Gloria M.

  134. These are so cute! I don't have a lot of stamps, but these would be a great addition to my slowly growing collection.
    I looked through some of your creations today and love what you do! Great stuff!
    Hope you are having a wonderful day!

    I love God, and life, my husband, my puppy, and anything artsy crafty!

  135. Hello Denise,gorgeous candy . I Love dance.Thanks for a chance to win!

  136. Thanks for your generosity.
    I really love the eye candy on your side bar. Hubba, hubba.

  137. Just found this blog..inspiring and sooo creative. What do i love most at the moment getting my creative mojo working again.. its been ost for a hile. hugz, Dawn

  138. I put your candy in my sidebar. I love my husband of course! *Candace*

  139. Oh i really love the greeting farm stamps!!!

    I tell you what i love the most: My 2 beautifull daughters! I allready love it when i order some scrap or craftthings and when the postman comes to bring them to me!!! Whoehahahaha


  140. Wow I love this set from The Greeting Farm. Thank you for the opportunity to win it.
    What I love....?
    Well I truly love my family they make me laugh and give great hugs and kisses especially my girls.

    But I love the craft side, when I get to adult colouring in as my girls call it. I love seeing the finish product and seeing other's brilliant creations.

    thank again

  141. I really love having fun with my family. I also love meeting new people from all over the world. Craft and the internet are a great combination for that.

    I've added a pic and link to your blog candy post in the sidebar at my blog PAPER FLOURISH

    Thanks for the chance to be part of the fun.

  142. Brilliant candy. I hope I win, lol. What I love children but aside from them, lol. Books! And Chocolate. Both together is what;s best! I love to curl up with a good book and lots of yummy chocolate. Thanks for the chance
    Suzanne x

  143. Denise thank you for leaving me some love on my blog.I am so thankful i found the pfp blog(smiling) WOW! Your candy looks too cute to pass on on. I wannna join. I will go ahead and follow which i was going to do anyways lol! Ok i love love and can't stop stressing besides my children,food and crafting is...... My letraset promarkers yes guilty as charged(BIG SMILE)Well thanks for the wonderful candy and congrats yippie!!RubyM:)

  144. Wow 30,000 hits! Congratulations Denise. I love the images that Mo Manning draws, they're easy to colour and use in card making, although I also love The Greeting Farm images. I've linked you to my <a href=">sidebar.</a> Thanks for the chance, Ang X

  145. Gorgeous candy! Thanks for a chance to win. I added the link in my sidebar.
    Hugs, Vanja

  146. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  147. Congrats on all your hits!! I would love to win some Anya stamps. Thanks for the chance!! I have linked up your blog candy on my blog's sidebar HERE.

    One of the things that I love most in the world are the loves and kisses that my children shower upon me each and every day.

  148. Thanks for offering a great candy. What I love most right now is spending time with my grandchildren. We have such fun creating, having fun and playing together. I have added a link in my sidebar and have become a follower.

  149. That's a super candy! Thank you!!! It's on my sidebar!

  150. i really love my daughter and son.
    thx for asking, dear :)

  151. Awesome candy, I love the Greeting Farm! My favorite thing to do is come home and watch Supernatural while I stamp. Love, love, love Jensen Ackles!!! Now he is on TNT everyday in the States.
    Smiles, Michelle

  152. What I love the most, wow that is blogging and in the meanwhile making card whole day long, but that is not possible with our 6 kids around!!! I love the new stamps from the greetings farm!

  153. Thanks for the chance for some fantastic candy,
    The thing I love most apart from crafting and blogging is Elvis,

  154. One more amazing candy :)))
    I love to make gifts, even without cause, even to strangers :)

  155. One thing I love, is f ex such a lovely comment that you left in my blog :D Those comments brighten our days, and it's really true like they say: scrappers are the nicest people in the world! ;D

    I also love to be a forgiven and really happy child of God!

    And it really gives great joy to craft cards, because you think a lot of the person you're making it to and what they mean to you!!

    Thanks for super candy to join in to!! :)

    Scrappy hug C",)

  156. Denise your candy is fantastic, I love Miss Anya stamps!
    I really love to read a good book!

  157. Hi Denise

    Your work is amazing and what a lovely blog! Thanks for the opportunity for this candy. I have added you to my sidebar:

    Good Luck Everyone xx

  158. Great Blog Candy Denise! Thanks for the chance to win. I really love card making, it brightenes my day!

  159. Congrats with all the hits!
    Great candy! Thanks for the chance to win ♥

    Hugs, Anne

  160. How cute are those stamps!! I don't have any from The Greeting Farm yet.

    What a really love is my family, and my creative time, it's so good for the soul :)

  161. Such a great candy. I love Anya stamps. I will put you in my side bar now. Thanks for the chance to win!

    Best Wishes, Birgit

  162. Hi
    Your blog is gorgeous. What great candy and thanks.
    Well i love to get up in a morning and sit at my desk and just craft to my hearts content. I love my family and friends and my 2 doggies. But mostly i love the daylight to be able to see and do all the things i love.
    Hugs Lindsey

  163. Denise, Congrats on your 30 000 hits.
    I love these stamps. I wish I could win them))) I linked it on sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win this nice candy))))

  164. Great candy - I love them stamps! :)
    I also love spending out on crafty goodies! Have linked you to my sidebar xx

  165. Hi Denise,
    WOW 30,000 hits, congratulations!!
    Fabulous candy, I love Anya stamps!

    I would say I love my family x getting together with crafty friends and icecream!!!

    Thanks for the chance to win x

    Jenny xx

  166. Hi Denise! Fantastic candy! Thanks for a chance to win. I am a follower now and will add you to my side bar. I love long weekend walks with my Hubby and our little fur baby! p.s. I also love your eye candy!

    Hugs, Tammy

  167. You have a wonderful blog and you are so generous. Thanks! i have linked this blog candy on my blog.

  168. Yummi candy! Posted it on my blog.

    Well lately I seem to can't get enough stamps. Fallen in love with cardmaking.

    Hope you have a nice sunday, maby you'll come visit my blog too.

  169. I love cardmaking,fairly new at it. Havent tried stamps and markers yet but plan too,looks fun!Just found your blog today and like it a lot! Thanks,Leah

  170. Hi Denise, Thanks for the chance of winning this blog candy. I love my family the best, as I am of ill health and they really help me and stand by me.

  171. Thanks for the chance of winning some fab candy Denise !
    my favourite thing is snuggling on a cold night wrapped up in a soft white dressing gown and drinking hot chocolate with marshmellows ...and watching a funny film !

  172. WOW so many comments, You have some very wanted candy!
    I love to craft, I sew, knit, crochet, and at the moment I mad on papercraft. I love to be able to blog hop, find sketches, have a go and post them on my blog. sometimes I do well sometimes not so much but I have so much fun doing it, i dont really care. Congrats on your 30,000 hits, I am way behind you, but maybe I will have to pull out some great candy like you when I do get there. :)

  173. I love stamping! Just in general, I love all of it! I just started stamping about 1 year ago, so I have a way to go with collecting stamps, but I just love it!

  174. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  175. oooh denise, what yummy candy.of course i love my crafting but my favourite thing is my family and waking up in the morning to find my youngest son has sneaked into our bed and fallen back to sleep snuggled up to his daddy, i just love seeing that xx

  176. What sweet (eye) candy you offer...and the blog candy is nice too...LOL! Congrats on all the hits to your blog and Thanks for the chance to win your blog candy, I have put a link to your candy on my side bar!
    As for what I love, I would have to say...I love to laugh! It just make me feel good and those around me are happy and relaxed too!!! You know it is Contagious!!!

  177. Wow, what great candy! Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful prize. Of course I hope now to win... who not :o). I linked you and am a follower now.
    What I really love is to hop through all those wonderful blogs and see those beautiful artwork all around. This is so inspiring to me.
    Love from Switzerland

  178. Hi Denise, congrats on your 30,000 hits! I love crafting, especially stamping and cardmaking, and I love visiting all the cardmakers blogs out there in cyberspace.
    Thanks for the chance to win such gorgeous candy ( I am a follower )

  179. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  180. Ahh.. I forgot to say what I love. Waking up in the morning the day after I have given my dog a bath. We start every day with a cuddle, and those mornings he is all fluffy and soft, and he smells like a summer garden!!


  181. Thanks so much for the chance to win some great candy! What I love... put simply is Greeting Farm Stamps! In particular I LOVE ANYA stamps. I haven't been able to afford to get any yet so have had to rely on some good friends sending me stamped out images! I would so love to have some to add to my huge stamp collection! Thanks again and I would love to add you have a fantastic blog! xo S

  182. Hi,
    I don't have a blog, but will e-mail some friends about your blog candy. I really love Tom Waits!

    abackman66 at

  183. What great candy! I of course love my family! But I'm also really loving my spellbinders!

  184. Hi Denise,
    Thanks for offering such amazing candy, I'll link it in my sidebar.
    My favourite love is losing myself in a day of cardmaking especially if the sun is shining and my cats are keeping me company.
    Take care
    Jen x

  185. Denise CONGRATS on your many hits...that's amazing! Your work is beautiful and I am definitely adding you to my blog reader!!! :) Thanks so much for the chance to win these cuties...I love the Miss Anyas they are on my wish list! My favorite thing that I love is my Copics!!!! I've linked your candy in my sidebar!
    Hugs~ Kim

  186. Thanks for the change to win this!!!!!!
    Happy new year :):)

    Posted a link in my sidebar:

  187. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  188. I love dogs, especially wiggly little puppies. :)

    Papercraft-wise, I love my Copics!

  189. I love your blog!!!! I've never seen it before but I added it instantly to my morning stroll!

  190. I've recently discovered clear stamps -- these are sooooo cute!!! thanks for the chance. :)
    i'm already a follower...but I've added your candy to my blog:

  191. I love this set and have been eyeing it. What I really love is my family. I love my daughter, my husband and my extended family. They sometimes drive me crazy but my world revolves around them.

  192. What a fab piece of candy! From a liquorice loving Dawn

  193. i love the sound of Children laughing..

  194. Nice candy! Thanks for the chance to win!

  195. Wow this is great candy! I love the Miss Anya stamps, but don't own any :( - I just have a few stamped images that someone kindly sent me! Thanks for the chance to win! I have put the piccy in my sidebar!

    Esme x

  196. Congrats on your 30 000 hits!!!
    Your blog candy is fabulous.Thanks for the chance to win!I'll link it in my sidebar.


    Congrats on passing 30,000 hits.

    I love to create. I have always done some type of craft and with my cardmaking, it has really opened up a lot of new ideas.

    Thanks for the chance to win this wonderful stamp set.


  198. Hi Denise! lovely blog candy!! thank you for the chance to win :) Ilove many things... I love the ice cream :P and also making handcraft things
    I have linked your candy on my sidebar.

  199. Hi Denise, Fab blog candy and I love your site. What I really love is holidays in the sun. xx

    Have put your link in my sidebar xx

  200. Hi Denise!
    I love making cards with stamps, several papers,stickers, punchies and embellishments! AND I LOVE SO BEAUTIFUL BLOG CANDY´s :)
    Now I love my tom-cat "Duffy", Summer-Time with beautiful flowers ...yummy candy´s and chocolate ... and so many more :). Have warm thanks for the great chance to win your YUMMY candy :). I´ve linked you at my blog and I´m now a new follower! Many hugs from Germany


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If you have chosen to follow my blog by email or send a message via email then this has been done entirely at your own risk .. .. but I personally will NEVER share your email address with any third parties.

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. I appreciate your comments. Hugs, Denise x