
Saturday 23 January 2010

Blog candy winner!

Wow I had so many entries to my blog candy – thank you so much for your interest and best wishes on my 30,000 hits (by the way I’m now already 34,677 at time of writing this post woohoo). Also thank you to everyone who decided to become a new follower, I hope you enjoy what you see when you visit, please drop me a comment to let me know you’ve stopped by.

Anyway enough of my rambling you want to know who the lucky winner is of the greeting farm stamp set. I deleted any duplicate entries (just to make it completely fair) and there were a total of 234 entries. I used to choose the winner and that is:

Entry number 101: MELISSA75
Congratulations Melissa! Please can you email me your details (my email address is in the sidebar) and I’ll get your prize off to you ASAP. I did promise to add extra goodies for every 50 entries so in addition to the greeting farm stamp set you will also receive 4 smaller prizes too :)

Thanks to everyone for entering my candy, I’ll hopefully be back later with a card to show you.


  1. Congratualtion Melissa - you lucky thing ;)

    HUGE thanks Denise for your generosity once again :)

    Carol x

  2. Wow Melissa you lucky thing!!

    Congratulations Denise on all your hits, I hope your blog will continue to be a popular stopover on peoples journey throug Blogland LOL!

    Sarah x

  3. Congrats Melissa--your lucky day WOOT WOOT!!! Have Fun!!
    Mary Lou

  4. I can't believe that I won!!! Thank you so much!!!

  5. congrats to Melissa enjoy your goodies


  7. Yay for you, Melissa!!! Can I come over and play? :D

    Thank you, Denise for offering this yummy candy!

    Love and hugs ~ Lori

  8. Congrats Melissa and many thanks Denise for the chance to win.
    Hugs Emma x

  9. Thanks for your comments on my blog and also congrats Melissa.
    Hugs Rosi


By leaving a comment here you are accepting that other visitors will read your comments and be able to link through to your blog / computer.

If you have chosen to follow my blog by email or send a message via email then this has been done entirely at your own risk .. .. but I personally will NEVER share your email address with any third parties.

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. I appreciate your comments. Hugs, Denise x