
Thursday 10 February 2011

Charisma cardz #6–DT card

Good morning friends, I forgot to schedule my post last night so I’m hastily typing it before I go to work (never a good idea lol).  It’s time for a brand new challenge over at charisma cardz challenge and this week the lovely Carol has chosen the theme “mythical/fantasy”.  I decided to use a CC designs mermaid digi image as they are both mythical and fantasy I think.  I have gone “clean and simple” on my card but I’m not sure if I like it – some crafters make this style of card look so stylish and elegant but I can’t seem to get to grips with it.  Here is my card (let me know what you think about my attempt at CAS):

charisma cardz #6 - magical & fantasy

charisma cardz #6 - magical & fantasy (close up)

I have used another scalloped card (that was found under my desk!) and the image is called ‘mermaid Emma’.  I coloured her with my promarkers of course and added stickles to her waist and hairband.  There is an awful lot of white on my card…..mmm I’m not sure!!

We have two sponsors this week – firstly we have All That Scraps and they are offering the lucky winner either 1 stamp set or 4 single stamps.

All that scraps

Our second sponsor is Pink Cat Studio and they are offering the lucky winner 5 digi images of their choice. 

Pink cat studio logo

The rest of the design team have created amazing samples for your inspiration once again this week, so please pop over to the challenge blog and check them out.  We really appreciate the lovely comments you leave for us.  I apologise as I don’t think I managed to get around to commenting on my allocated entries last week but I’ll make sure I’m more organised this week! 

I would also like to enter my card into the following challenges:

Clean and simple challenge – sketch (I hope it’s ok I put the sentiment in a different place)

Pear tree designs challenge – free for all

Karber challenge – movie theme (I’ve gone with the little mermaid)

Aly’s Sunday challenge – bling bling

Little Claire’s challenge – anything goes (second entry)

Kaboodle challenge – break out that ribbon stash

City crafter challenge – all that glitters

Craft your passion challenge – anything goes

I love promarkers challenge – birthday theme and blog hop

Delightful challenges – get punchy

Fab ‘n’ funky challenge – tempting texture

The pixie cottage challenge – sketch and/or ribbon

So that’s it from me today. I am rushing to get to work now so I’ll add my ingredient list later.  Have a wonderful day and thanks for stopping by.

My signature


  1. Hi denise,
    This is a delightfully pretty card. I love the layout and the sweet image. Great colours.
    Fiona x

  2. AWWW Denise this is sooooo sweet, LOVE your coloring and sparkle!!! ADORABLE!

  3. gorgeous card denise.i love the sweet mermaid and fab cas layout :D

    xx coops xx

  4. Super cute card! Thank you for playing The Karber Challenge :)

  5. Lovely card and beautifully coloured ... love the silver swirls... thanks for playing along at CCCB

  6. THis is just gorgoues hun,love all the detail you have added onto this bless you for playing at the pixie cottage this week,love hugs cheryl xxxxxxx

  7. Gorgeous Denise, love the crispness of it, thanks for joining us at I ♥ ProMarkers.

  8. Your card is perfect! I LOVE it! I instantly recognized the sketch and that's what counts. The rest are minor details!

    Thank you for playing my Clean & Simple Sunday Challenge.

  9. Great CAS card! Love the scalloped shape! Really fun. Thanks for getting punchy with us at Delightful Challenges!

  10. Your card is gorgeous Denise, such a beautiful cute mermaid.

  11. So cute, thanks for playing along with us at CCCB!

  12. Hi Denise. Love your mermaid's hair & her 'bits of glitz'. Lovely card. Thanks for joining in with our birthday celebrations at I ♥ Promarkers.
    Tine :)

  13. Real sweet card, lovin the C&S feel!!
    I soooooooo struggle with C&S always end up putting some flowers or something on it lololol!

    Thank you for sharing with us at Craft Your Passion this week, good luck!
    Hugs Shell xx

  14. What a fab card and lovely colouring, thank you for joining us this week at I ♥ Promarkers.

  15. This is stunning - so clean and fresh! Such a cute little mermaid! I love the striped patterned paper and the pearls - totally lovely!

    Thanks for joining us over at Pear Tree Designs in our 'Free For All' challenge - good luck.

    Lou Mac. xo

  16. awww, such a little cutie! love your blingy, sparkly design Denise!

  17. fab blog hun see you over at charisma

    clare x

  18. Wow Denise such a gorgeous card,its so sweet. Love the little mermaid,the sparkle and colouring look fan and I think you definitely pulled off clean and simple with this one.
    Hugs Jacqui x

  19. Oops that should read fab not fan lol. Can't you tell I've only had 2 hours sleep, damn insomnia lol
    Jacqui x

  20. What a gorgeous card Denise, I just love that image and the simple layout looks beautiful. Thanks for joining us this week at Fab 'n' Funky...hugs Shelly x

  21. that's so pretty....
    thanks for sharing at the pixie cottage

  22. Very cute! I love the bling. Thanks for sharing with us at Craft Your Passion.

  23. Stop by and enter by blog candy at

  24. How the clean lines and the image is so sweet! Thanks for joining us at The Pixie Cottage this week!

  25. So cute! Thanks for joining us at Kaboodle Doodles this week!

  26. so pretty Denise, love your coloring!

  27. It's a gorgeous card Denise, the image really 'pops'. Thanks for joining us for our 1st Birthday Challenge at I ♥ Promarkers.
    Julie W x

  28. What an adorable card.. Just so sweet.. Thanks for playing along with us over at CCCB!

  29. Using the ribbon as a division line. Brilliant. Love this card. Thank you for joining us over at The Pixie Cottage this week.

  30. Lovely card,I struggle with the whole idea of less is more butI love the look, thank you for entering our Birthday challenge at I ♥ Promarkers
    Ruth x

  31. sooooo cute!! soooooooo sweet!!

  32. Lovely card, how sweet is this image ! Thanks for entering our Birthday Challenge on I ♥ Promarkers this week.


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Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. I appreciate your comments. Hugs, Denise x