
Monday 16 August 2010

Cupcake craft challenge #104 – 2nd anniversary blog hop!

Once again this week I am apologising for the lack of DT cards to show you – I still haven’t been able to craft since my accident.  However I couldn’t miss out on the opportunity to join in with the fun over at cupcake craft challenge this week, even if it has taken me almost all week to type this post lol!  

Welcome to the Cupcake Craft Challenge 2nd Birthday Blog Hop and Cupcake Trail! :)

If you've just come from Catherine’s Blog then you are in the right place!  While you're here, please leave me a comment and then pop over to Donna’s blog next.  Don't forget to enter this week’s “All the Two's” Challenge at Cupcake to be eligible to win Design Team Cupcake Candy or this week’s fabulous sponsored prizes.  For all the details of the blog hop and to see what amazing prizes we have up for grabs pop over to the challenge blog. 

If you complete the blog hop and enter a card into this week’s challenge I am offering a prize of a gorgeous stamp set from The Greeting Farm called ‘Xmas Sweeties’.  I will randomly choose a winner from the comments left here on my blog.  xmassweeties

If you think you've lost the cake crumb trail, you can go back to Cupcake and start from the beginning!

Good luck with your entries, you have until 8pm on Saturday 21st August to enter and all the winners will be announced on the Cupcake blog on Monday 23rd August.  Thanks for stopping by today.

My signature


  1. Oh Denise, how kind of you to offer such an adorable birthday prize. I hope you feel well enough to create soon, I'm really missing your beautiful creations.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Wow what fabby candy!!
    Happy cupcake day!!

    hope you feel better soon xxx

  4. Hope you feel better soon! Lovely candy;-))m

  5. What fab candy Denise for the birthday celebrations. I do hope you start to feel better very soon - I bet you are really missing not being able to craft. Big hugs, Claire x

  6. Hi Denise, Sorry to hear you are still suffering. Hope the pain eases soon.

    Thanks for the chance to win your blog hop candy!

    Lisa x

  7. Hello Cupcake! What an absolute star you are to get this posted despite how you're feeeling. You'll be back crafting before you know it. Hugs. xxx

  8. Aewww... what a sweet stampset! Oh my..poor you...hope you are feeling better!! Take it easy & have a fab cupcake day!

  9. Hi Denise hope you are feeling better soon hun, bet you are really missing yr crafting. My daughter suffered whiplash just over 2 years ago & she was in agony, we got her 1 of those soft neck cushions. Anyway really kind of you to offer candy, feel weel soon, take care

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

  10. So sorry to hear you are still suffering Denise...I hope things ease for you soon and that you will sonn be able to craft again...hugz Donna x

  11. Beautiful card!!!!TFS:)Fab Blog Hop!!!!
    hAve a great week :)x

  12. HI, hope you are feeling better soon!
    Luv your candy!

  13. Hope you're better soon, I know how frustrating it can be when you can't have your creative outlet.

    Thanks for chance to win some great candy!

  14. Thanks for the chance to win,hope start feeling better soon and get back to be crafty

  15. What a sweet prize, they are so cute. So sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you are making a speedy recovery.

  16. oh dear, sorry to read about your accident. hope you will be crafting again soon.

  17. oh another gorgeous creation as always your style i just love,also thankyou for the chance of winning this fab prize xx

  18. I think I have a new hopping....great fun.
    Love your blog.

  19. Hello Denise! Sorry to hear you're still feeling poorly... I do hope you start to feel better soon and can get back to your crafting! Take care of yourself, lots a hugs from Shelly ;)

  20. what a trooper to participate anyway - hope you are on the mend soon!!

    those stamps are adorable - thanks for the chance to win!!

  21. Denise I sure hope that you start feeling better soon. Thanks for the opportunity for some fab candy. Heres to a speedy recovery, whiplash so sucks!

  22. Hi Denise, hope your feeling a bit better, fab candy your offering

  23. Hi Denise I do hope your feeling better soon, lovely candy.
    Hugs Linda

  24. Sorry to hear you still aren't 100% Denise, I hope you are feeling better soon.

    Liza x

  25. fab blog candy...thanks for the chance to win and I hope you feel better soon and get back to your regular blogging.


  26. So sweet that you've participated in the hop even after a car accident! Hope you're feeling better soon!
    Thanks for the hop and the chance to win the adorable candy!

  27. Fabulous candy. I hope you feel better soon.

  28. I am so sorry that you haven't had a chance to craft. I think I would go crazy! I hope you are feeling better soon.

  29. Oooh - I do hope you feel better really soon!
    Thanks for the giving us this chance anyway - can't wait to see your new creations once you're back to crafting

    wishing you all the best!

  30. Hi Denise, sorry to hear you are still suffering after your accident. Hope that you're feeling better soon.
    Thanks for the chance to win some fab candy - I have left my entry on the Cupcake blog with Mr Linky.
    Caroline xxx

  31. Great candy!
    I wish you all the best.

  32. Hope you are soon crafting again, missing your lovely work. Thanks for the chance to win this fab candy. Marianne x

  33. Hi Denise

    So nice to see you posting and really hope you are on the mend.

    Congratulations on Cupcakes second birthday, a real achievement.

    B x

  34. Hi Denise...hope you'll be back crafting soon. Fab candy - thanks for the opportunity to win!

    HAppy Birthday Cupcake!

    Wedgie xxx

  35. Aww Denise, I hope you are feeling better soon! Hugs!

  36. Hope you feel better soon. Thanks for offering such fab candy. x

  37. aw mate - you look after yourself and I hope you are back to you very soon

  38. Fab candy, thanks for the chance to win. Hope you are feeling better soon
    Linds x

  39. Hope you're feeling better and what an adorable birthday gift :) Thank you for sharing :)

  40. Hope you feel well enough to craft soon. Cute stamps, kind of you to share.

  41. Thanks for offering a sweet candy prize. I hope you feel better soon!


  42. Dear Denise, Hope you will feel better soon and thanks so much for taking the time to share some amazing candy.
    Take care

  43. Hi Denise, Great Candy, Hope you are able to get back to the crafting soon. I know what it's like, the withdrawal symptoms are real awful. Lots of good wishes.xx

  44. oh what a super candy thanks for a chance to win and I do hope you are feeling better really soon huggies lindyloo x

  45. Happy 2nd Birthday Cupcake Craft Challenges

    I do hope that you will improve soon - even though you still suffer so much.

  46. Denise, wishing you a quick road to recovery. Adorable images for your candy--and Christmas will be here before you know it...really!


  47. What a great prize and hope you feel better soon.


  48. Happy Cupcake day. The Price is wonderful.....


  49. What lovely candy Denise. Hope you're feeling better soon and able to craft again. Thanks for the chance to win.

    Kat x


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If you have chosen to follow my blog by email or send a message via email then this has been done entirely at your own risk .. .. but I personally will NEVER share your email address with any third parties.

Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. I appreciate your comments. Hugs, Denise x