
Saturday 8 May 2010

My baby is 16!!

Shane Morgans

Just a quick post as I’m going to be out all day today.  It is my son’s 16th Birthday today and I wanted to pop on and send him loving birthday wishes.  Have a wonderful day Shane!  I can’t believe my baby is 16 – where does the time go?  I’m sorry for the rubbish picture (which I have pinched from his Facebook page) but when the computer crashed last year I lost all my photos and I haven’t got any new ones on my computer yet! 

We’re off to the cinema today and maybe a pizza, depending on what the birthday boy wants to do! 

I'll be back tomorrow with a card but until then have a wonderful weekend.  Hope the weather is good where you are. 

My signature


  1. Awww Denise all the best for your son!!! May he have many, many more. Isn't it just scary how time flies and you only realise it when you have children and see how quickly they grow. Enjoy your fun day tomorrow. Lotsa luv xxxx

  2. Happy birthday to your son time goes too too fast, hope he's not too stressed by looming exams and enjoys his birthday whilst no doubt trying to play it cool too just like Andrew did a couple of weeks ago. Have a great weekend Julye

  3. Oh, he always be your baby though!! Hope you have a great day- many happy returns to him! Juliex


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