
Thursday 29 October 2009

Very exciting news!

Hello everyone, sorry I wasn’t around yesterday but I was at a speed awareness course (I was a naughty girl a little while ago and had a speeding ticket *wink*). 

Anyway I have some very exciting news to share with you – I have been chosen to be part of two design teams!!!

The first news is that I’ve been chosen to join the Stamp with Fun challenge blog and my first card will be for next week’s challenge.  I am so honoured to have been chosen and the rest of the design team are incredibly talented.  Please check out the blog for more details on the rest of the team. 

The second brilliant news is that I’ve been chosen to join the new challenge blog set up by Susie Sugar called “Susie’s Sassy Challenge” (what a funky name ‘eh?)  This challenge will be starting on November 5th and will be every 2 weeks.  Susie was only looking for 1 new design team member but ended up choosing 4 and I was one of the lucky 4!!  I can’t wait to start working with the rest of the talented team. 

Well it looks like it’s going to be a busy time ahead for me…….. so I will have to give myself a kick up the butt and get myself more organised :) 

I’ll be back later with a card, so see ya’ later. 


  1. nice one hunni - so pleased for you. You're going to be very busy, can't wait to see what you create


  2. Congrats honey!! :) U'r gonna be one busy bee :p

    Hugs Ida

  3. Hi there Denise...I had to have a little chuckle at your news at the top of your post. We went to visit some friends last weekend and my friend told me that she had got to do a speed awareness course. I had never heard of it and was like .."Oh... what are you doing that for then?" Then she told me it's the new thing instead of the fine and points when you are stopped for speeding! i thought it was some thing she was doing for work!!Duh! Hope you have learnt your lesson!

  4. Congratulations hun, and very well deserved! Can't wait to see what you create. Hugs, Squirrel xx

  5. Congratulation Denise ! I am so pleased for you ! Smile. Catherine

  6. Hi denise,

    Congratulations on both your posts and can't wait to see your yummy creations!

    Hugs Ali x

  7. Congrats, you deserve it. Look forward to seeing your creations. Marianne x

  8. Boohoo to the speeding ticket Denise but WAAAHHAAYYY to your DT appointments, they are both very well deserved and I just know that you will rock the challenges, congratulations hun :) Donna x

  9. Congratulations Denise, great news. x

  10. Congrats Denise on the two DT posts! You deserve it, your cards are just gorgeous, and I even have some in "the flesh" so to speak! Lucky me! Looking forward to seeing your new creations!
    Hugs Shelly :)

    PS. Very, very naughty of you to have been speeding, don't do it again (slap on the hand)! LOL!

  11. Congrats on your new DT posts, I'm sure you will have a great time. Your cards are fab so I'm not surprised you have been chosen!! xx


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