
Tuesday 14 July 2009

Thank you so much!

I want to say a BIG thank you to all my crafty friends who sent me fantastic cards and yummy scrummy goodies for my birthday. I cannot believe how lucky I am to be part of this friendly and sharing community.

I've been having some trouble adding a slideshow to my sidebar so I have given in and put pics in the sidebar instead (sorry they are so small). I know there are a few more cards on the way (*yay*) so as soon as they arrive I will add them too. I will be contacting each of you personally to say thank you but in case I take a few days (you know what I'm like) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU - you made my day so special!!!!


  1. wow you got quite a haul Denise, and they're all gorgeous cards

  2. Hiya Denise! Hope you had a fabby Bday! You're more than welcome for the card, it was sent in a hurry just before I went off for a work trip for 2 weeks so I didn't have time to put in your little surprise. I'll get it in the post this week!
    Shelly xx


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