
Monday 11 May 2009

Cupcake Craft Challenge

It was my turn this week to choose a theme for the CCC so I decided to choose a card for a man or a boy, as they are usually so difficult to make for. It was my son's 15th birthday last Friday so as I had to make a card for him I combined the two. Now it's not my usual type of card but my son is a drummer in a band called 'zenith 7' (hence the Z on the drumkit) and he is into rock music so I thought dark and grungy was the way to go - thankfully he loved it! I stamped the drumkit and 'you rock' sentiment from a clear stamp set by stampendous called 'rock out' and the skull & cross bones and star stamps are from a clear set by kars called 'rocky star'. The dp is DCWV and the plain cs is from the papermill shop. The images were coloured with promarkers and the ribbon and charm are from my stash. The happy birthday sentiment is stamping bella and I used a studio g alphabet set to stamp my son's name. The number stickers are also DCWV.

Now you may have noticed it's my blogoversary today - I can't believe that one year has gone by since I started this blog - and boy has my crafting come a long way (I hope lol). I have lots of lovely goodies to offer very soon but I think I will wait until the Passion for Promarkers candy and DT call are over so that my candy can be placed at the top of my blog for all to see. I hope you can wait a little longer for some lovelyness!! Thanks for stopping by.


  1. Hiya Denise! Firstly what a fab card, I love all the details, and the skull charm looks fab! No wonder your son liked it! Secondly, congrats on your blogaversary! Funny, I also started my blog last May!

  2. WOW..what a great male love the colours and the images and the skull charm is brill hun.
    TFS clare xx

    And congrats on your 1 yr of blogging..and how mad is that..its been 1yr for me today
    So here's to many more year of blogging hun..together hugs clare xx
    im just gathering bits together for a watch this

  3. p.s me glad my welsh pizza caller cheered you up...i couldn't stop laughing when i read it...things like that make me so proud to be

  4. Hi Denise, thanks for giving me more practise LOL. Love your card and congrats on your bogaversary.

  5. Great card Denise, sounds like it was perfect for your son :) Happy blogaversary too :)
    Gina xxx

  6. A brilliant card for your son Denise, it Rocks!!!!
    And a very Happy Blog Anniversary to you to......

  7. This card rocks!!! Thanks for a fun challenge!

  8. awesome card Denise love all the detail and the fab desing
    Happy blogaversary
    Tracy x

  9. Your card really rocks Denise! You did a wonderful job on picking the colors and the image is just georgous.
    Thanks for giving us a great challenge theme - even if I wasn´t too happy about it when I first read what you want us to do.LOL Once I knew what I want to use it was so much fun and with 3 girls there aren´t many oportunities to make a boyish card.
    Kathrin aka Kruemel

  10. What a challenge Denise. I could hear the whole of the crafting world groan when it went up yesterday - lol!

    Your card is perfect for your son and I'm not surprised he loved it. Thankfully I have one son but 4 daughters so I get to be girly a lot more than I have to be "manly"!!

    Caryn xxx

  11. Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. I love your cards! You do such wonderful work. Good Luck with the new challenge site!

  12. Hi, wow this is brilliant, my son would love a card like this.
    Congrats on the 1 year blogging.

  13. Awesome card this week Denise!

  14. I like your theme, I'm trying to do more male cards. Love yours I like pirate stuff. Happy Blogerversary! (I'm a bit late but its the thought that counts!!) Hope your new blog gets off to a good start. I really want to join in but I don't have any pens! I'm following it though & will join in asap! Helen x


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