
Tuesday 1 July 2008

Normal service will be resumed soon (I hope)

I'm sorry I haven't posted anything for a few days but my mother was admitted to hospital last night (we were in A & E until 2.30AM). She has been suffering with abdo pain for about a year now but lately it's been getting much worse culminating in almost unbearable pain last evening. The doctors think she may have gall stones but she has to wait to have an ultrasound scan before they can definitely diagnose her. She was supposed to have the scan today but unfortunately (and after not eating anything all day) they were unable to perform it today and she will hopefully, fingers crossed, have it tomorrow. If it is gall stones she will probably have to come home and take a course of anti-biotics before they can do any surgery.

Please bear with me as although she is well it is still a worrying time until we know exactly what is going on. Thanks for visiting me today.

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