
Sunday 11 May 2008

Welcome to my humble blog!

I've finally taken the plunge and created my blog. I enjoy reading all your creative blogs and hope that I can create something similar myself. I'm fairly new to stamping, so still in the learning curve. I have been making cards for about 4 years and love, love, love it.

I hope you will bear with me while I work out this blogging business, as computers are not really my thing - except for shopping of course *wink*.

Be back soon to try and put some photos on my blog.

Lots of love
Denise xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Denise, sorry it has taken me so long to get here but your blog looks great :0) Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging and I will be back at the weekend to have a proper look :0) x


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Thanks for taking the time to visit my blog. I appreciate your comments. Hugs, Denise x